My bubble

Rosie's Bubble Rules 
(which only I follow and others are not expected to have the same bubble rules) 

1. If I let you into my bubble, you're known as a 'bubble peep' which means you're sometimes poked which is my way of saying hello.  

2. Bubble peeps are trusted with information not openly share with others.  Confidential things are usually shared and sharing this information with others is not appreciated.  It is understood that bubble peeps have their own bubble peeps and they might feel they need to share with others.  

3. I am quite happy in my own bubble and will try not to judge people for living their SL differently.  I do expect the same in return.  

It's always difficult when a bubble peep logs off SL for a while and then returns.  So, that's why we have the random Rosie blog about it.    

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